Housing and Services
Talent Apartment Applications Now Available
Click the button below for a link to the application. Applications will be accepted by Quality Property Management. For questions about the application, contact them at (541) 776-7674 or info@qpmcompany.com
Oregon has a critical shortage of affordable, accessible housing for low-income older adults in small or rural communities. This isn’t an issue of the future but a crisis of today. Many older adults want to remain in the communities they love as they age, but face challenges of high rents, homes that aren’t suitable for those with disabilities, and poor access to supportive services. AGE+ is partnering with local organizations to bring an efficient, affordable housing model for older adults to communities throughout Oregon. We’ve created a model to quickly build accessible housing that eases financial burdens and, in some areas, implements our proven program, Circles of Care, to deliver supportive services.
AGE+ has secured funding to build three affordable, fully accessible housing communities for older adults in Oregon. Residents are already living in two completed communities—one in Madras and one in Talent. A third community, set to break ground in Talent in 2025, will add to this effort. All communities serve older adults earning up to 60% of the area median income, addressing the needs of those who don’t qualify for subsidies but cannot afford market-rate rents.
Click here to view the floor plan of the Talent apartments.
All Madras apartments have been rented. While there are currently no vacancies, you can join the waitlist to be informed if one becomes available. Please reach out to Inner Mountain Property Management to add your name to the waitlist at innermountainproperty@gmail.com.

We are looking for local leaders who want to partner with us to bring affordable housing to older residents in their community. This project is structured to bridge to local ownership and be revenue generating. If you want to learn more about how your organization can bring affordable housing to older residents in your community, please contact Stephanie Hooper at shooper@ageplus.org.