The 13th annual Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Retreat sponsored by the Multnomah County Family Caregiver Support Program was a day full of fun activities, workshops and resource sharing. The retreat was a place for grandparents to connect with other grandparents, discover resources in their community that will keep them successful as a parent and, most importantly, have a day of self-care.
Some of the workshops contained information on navigating the healthcare system, how to connect to resources at the local library, resolving school conflicts and much more.
Transitioning into the role of parent can be tricky at a time in an older adults’ life when they may not be working as much, or at all, and navigating the system can be a challenging endeavor if you’ve been unplugged for a while. The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Retreat acknowledged those issues and addressed them in a way that was tangible and informative.
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